Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) seal
Upcoming scheduled maintenance/outage(s): 
Thursday, April 3rd 1700-2200 EDT

Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP)


The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has established a website known as the Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) to enable International Customers, customer agents, and United States Government personnel, with appropriate permissions, to access a variety of features which are gathered into “Communities”. Several Communities provide the ability to: (1) view Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case, line, requisition, and Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) -level information obtained daily from all U.S. Military Department (MILDEP) Case Execution systems and the tri-service Case Development system (DSAMS); and (2) input a variety of FMS MILSTRIP and MILSTRIP -like transactions, which are partially validated in the SCIP, and then passed directly to the appropriate MILDEP Case Execution system for processing. For more information about SCIP and SCIP Communities, please review the SCIP Background Document (PDF).

First-time SCIP users can obtain instructions on how to logon by reviewing the SCIP Logon Guide (PDF).

Access Instructions

View access instructions for all of SCIP’s supported authentication types — Department of Defense (DoD) Common Access Cards (CAC), Department of State (DoS) smartcards, and RSA SecurID tokens.

SCIP Help Desk

For all other questions or concerns, please contact the SCIP Help Desk at or 1-833-DSCA-IMT (1-833-372-2468).